Thursday 30 June 2016

Chicken and capsicum tikka on tava

Low in calories and super yummy chicken and capsicum tikka Which is grilled on tava. Try it and you will fall in love with this recipe. For the Vegetarians, you can also make this yummy dish with paneer using the same marination. 

Ingredients for marination:

200 grams boneless chicken (boiled)
1 capsicum cut into cubes
2 tsp maida (all propose flour)
2 tsp cornflour
2-3 tbls hung curd or thick curd
1/2 cube grated cheese
5-6 almonds & 5-6 cashew paste ( blend together into thick paste).
salt as per taste
1/2 tsp chilly powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 spoon garam masala or tandoori masala
Handful of coriander leaf finely chopped
Dash of lime juice
1/4 tsp ginger powder or grated ginger
Oil as required


Marination: 30-40 min
Cooking time: 5 min


1) Take boiled boneless chicken pieces drain water completely.
2) In a bowl, add all marination ingredients and Mix it well so that masala gets coated well.
3) Arrange chicken and capsicum into toothpicks and Rest it for 30-40 min
4) Now in tava, Add 1 Tsp oil and let it heat.
5) now add each toothpick set of chicken & roast them on both sides . 
6) serve it piping hot with a dash of lime and sprinkle chat masala powder.

Tip: Drain the water from boneless chicken completely to remove excess moisture otherwise it will make marination too watery and chicken will not coat with the marination.

Please do try it as we are sure you will love it. Please do share the pictures with us and we will share it on our blog.  Like, share, comment and follow us on our facebook page :

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